Bandai Namco have announced the first console game based on the popular web-manga/anime, One Punch Man. Titled One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows, you will be able to take part in 3v3 battles as your favourite characters from the show including Saitama, Genos, Hellish Blizzard, Speed-o’-Sound Sonic and Mumen Rider.
I’m not really sure how they can balance a character as over-powered as Saitama, but it is worth noting that during the gameplay shown in the announcement trailer; he takes a barrage of punches and other attacks without even flinching.
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is Coming Soon to PS4, Xbox One and PC
Zachary is a console gamer at heart, but is slowly coming over to the PC side. Rhythm games like Project Diva and Groove Coaster are his comfort food, but is happy to dive into any genre if it looks enticing enough. His favourite game of all time is Portal 2 despite his struggle with modern puzzle games. Twitter - @simply_daft PSN - SimplyDaft Twitch - Simply_Daft