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New Overwatch 2 Character Tease May Point To An Old Overwatch 1 Concept

Can we match his (or her) Phreak?

The Overwatch 2 new season teaser is upon us, showcasing that an event full of mystical mayhem and mischief will soon be upon us.

But at the very end of that trailer, we get a glimpse of something a great deal less magical – and decidedly Scottish.

See, the final shot of the Season 13 trailer gave us a look at the Oasis laboratory – once home to a rather gooey ball of ferro-fluid – but at the time of the trailer showcase, is now a trashed and graffitied mess.

With the slow pan over the wrecked work area we see that the fluid is all gone, and the walls are painted with bright colours – and one word: PHREAKS. We then hear a very Scottish voice chime in to say that it is “Starting to look like a revolution!”

So who is this intriguing bloke? Well, we know that a a new tank character is on the way – revealed by accident all the way back at BlizzCon last year, when you could see his goofy hand-drawn icon in the character select area:

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Season 14 tank theory
byu/se_ree inOverwatch

So using this as a clue, we can start to consider if there are any past hints or concepts that leaned into either the term ‘PHREAK’ or green spiky hair.

And what do you know, the original draft document for Project Titan (the codename for the game that eventually became Overwatch) we have this handsome chap:

So while it isn’t a firm reveal, it is quite a lot of speculation that is worth chewing on. As a recap, we can consider:

  • The newcomer is Scottish
  • Doesn’t seem to be lawfully aligned
  • ‘Phreak’ could be a faction name, or the name of the individual in question
  • Likely to be a tank
  • Might make use of some gooey mechanics to reflect the stolen fluid from Oasis

Think of the above like a bingo sheet for when a proper reveal comes, but I can openly say I am pretty confident with at least two thirds of the speculative details found so far.

What do you think? Is this the right track to see what new hero awaits us in Season 14? Let us know in the comments or on our social media.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games


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