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Forget the Mouse, Power Your PC With Feline Fury Using The Best Custom Cursor Ever

Play games, do taxes – whatever your kitty heart desires

There are a blessed few on the internet that see fit to create whatever cursed or crazy idea comes their way. Sam Chiet (known as Samperson on social media) is one such wizard of wonder, and you may well know him as the guy who made a digital goose that trashed your PC desktop.

Well, someone casually said they’d love to drive their PC using an elongated cat paw – and sure enough the mad genius set to work.

Obviously the key feature is the persistent pussy cat pointer, but he also threw in some additional features to make it a fully-featured fur fiesta – such as the ability to stamp adorable kitty prints on your desktop, shrink and grow your domesticated appendage and even summon balls of yarn to bat around your desktop.

Heck, you can even pick a colour to immerse yourself in your favourite kitty colour.

Much like Sam said, this does indeed change everything. For example, the trivial fun of playing high-level Osu! is suddenly elevated by a colossal extent when it looks like a cat is playing it on an iPad screen:

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Even the mundane act of creating stunning art is immediately improved when you are struggling to see portions of your linework:

So it seems that Sam’s efforts have once more bestowed a tool of incredible power to PC users. The examples of people using it to hilarious effect are popping up all over the web, with one particular example cracking me up:  Playing Buckshot Roulette with the curious cat paw on screen. It was this clip that actually clued me in to the existence of this gift.

And for the sake of mad science, one genius has already demonstrated the utter brilliance of running both Desktop Goose AND CatCursor:

For those that are enamoured with all the above chaos, the full version of CatCursor is out NOW at, where it is a steal for the low low price of $1.49 USD. Sam has even made mention that if that price is still too lofty for you, he will try and ‘try and set something up’ at a later time.

Now I need to try and convince our very own Zach Jackson to play one of his beloved point-and-click adventure games with the kitty cursor…

What do you think of this fantastically furred input experience? Are there any PC tasks you think would be exceptionally elevated with some feline precision? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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