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Dros Walkthrough

Let us guide your playthrough of Dros

The Brisbane-based EmergeWorlds released Dros on July 20, 2023, on PC. Dros is an isometric adventure puzzle game that sees players take control of two players, Captain and Little Dros, as they progress up the tower that has been taken over by a rogue alchemist. If you’ve been playing Dros but have hit a snag, we’re here to help, as we’ve hit credits. This guide can help you move forward with a gentle nudge or you can use this walkthrough all the way through to the ending. If you want to know what we thought of the game, you can read our Dros review.

Part 1


When you are in the containment chamber, press the Jump button to repeatedly jump to topple it and break out. Double jumping may be required but you will eventually topple the chamber.

Look for a single box against a machine that leads to a sewer pipe you can escape through.


As the Captain, move forward and slash the barriers. When the Captain notes a large gap, slash the wooden barrier to his right to create a path.

Keep moving forward to meet Lisette outside the tower. Go past Lisette and up the stairs to talk to the Monk. You will get the Sewer Door Combination that opens the door to the sewers. Head left of Lisette and go down the stairs to find the sewer door.

Head through the sewers and you will encounter your first enemy. Slash to defeat them and Block when they attack. Continue through the sewers and fight your second enemy, then go through the door.

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Follow the path to the large red door and slash the power box to its right. Fight the enemies in a hopeless battle until the scene changes.

Quid Pro Quo

Press the Heal button to get the Captain fixed up. The Dros suggests grabbing more Prima which take the form of yellow orbs. Grab them and heal the Captain again to move faster.

Detach from the Captain with the Detach button and go through the metal grate with the Dros. Head straight to find the Captain’s arm. Use the pipe to the left of the arm to reach a new area. Follow the path to find a button in a room. Activate it to open the grate and allow the Captain to go inside.

Press the Recall button to return to the Captain wherever you are. Have the Captain regain his arm and sword to attack and block again. Go straight to the Dros Port lock and slash it to turn the Dros Port. Turn the Dros Port until it reaches the left side. Move over and fight the two small Dros with the Captain’s sword.

Past the two Dros is a door with a large red button nearby. Have the Captain stand on the button to lower a door. Detach the Dros and go through the newly opened door.  Follow the wooden path and jump across some wooden boards to reach a lever. Activate the lever and return to the Captain.

Move the Captain opposite the lever, where you can see a ladder above you. Have Dros jump up the wooden platforms nearby and reach the top. There’s a button near the ladder that you can press to lower said ladder. Return to the Captain and have him climb it, then move forward to the gate-like structure. Dros calls it an Alchemy Gate which you take to the next floor.

Stealthy Sewers

Head forward towards the large gate and push the button on its right. It won’t open the door, and you should switch to Dros to look for blue wiring on the ground. Follow the wiring to a button, which the Captain should stand on.

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With Dros, move towards the ladder and double jump, using the nearby large pipe to get to the next level. Go through the newly opened gate and you must stay hidden from the enemies. Head straight to the second small bridge and follow it. There’s a nearby sign telling you to watch out for fireflies, as Dros gets eaten if you pass through. Go around the fireflies and hit the button on the wall.

Switch back to the Captain and go through the large gate. Once you are through, look to your left and go up the ramp, going through a small gap. This lets you reach the second floor and fight enemies. Move forward and climb down the ladder, the proceed towards the water.

Switch to Dros and jump over the water using the wooden platforms. When one isn’t available, jump on the stone pillars where a wooden platform would be. Get to the other side and press the button to raise one half of the bridge.

Rejoin the Captain and walk across the bridge to the last wooden platform. This teaches you about hidden bridges, which appear as a transparent blue when playing as Dros. Both Dros and the Captain can cross these bridges.

Have the Captain move across the bridge, then turn right and do it again for the next gap. You will encounter a Polyp Dros enemy. They fire black goo at you which you can block with your sword. Get close to them and start attacking. Eventually, the armour will come off and you will win.

Continue onwards, using the nearby vending machine and climbing up the ladder. Switch to Dros and go through the gaps of the large wooden gate. Make your way to the left side of the square area, but watch out for the patrolling enemies. Dros can’t fight and you will restart if you are hit. Hit the lever on the left platform, then return to the Captain to go through.

As the Captain, defeat the enemies moving around the central tower. Switch to Dros and look for red-and-yellow areas you can jump on around the central tower. Make your way towards the ladder. Jump and activate it to lower the ladder. Switch to the Captain to climb the ladder.

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Switch to Dros and jump across the stone platform on the right. Cross the transparent bridges, following the path to the Alchemy Gate. Press the nearby button and go back to the Captain. Have the Captain step on the platform that moves towards him. Wait for it to move to the other side, then enter the Gate.

Enki’s Errand

Follow the path to the top of the stairs and speak to the man in the brown apron. That’s Enki, who asks you to help him find his blueprints. Dros can now perceive the world from a top-down perspective with the Gaze ability.

Go down the stairs and use Gaze, turning the camera to your left to find the blueprints (white paper stuck to a wall). Detach Dros and head to the building northwest of Enki. Jump onto the rooftops and make your way west, looking at the Blueprints on the wall.

Return to Enki to find that he’s missing. Search the cans to the right of the vending machine to begin a search and get the Lock Combination. Use Gaze and look at the southeast to find Enki’s position. Head under the bridge on your right to find a door you can go through.

You will go through a small corridor with a Dros and Polyp Dross enemy. On the other side, there is a lever you can use to connect the bridge. Activate it and cross the bridge.

Make your way towards the southeast, fighting various enemies on your way. Watch out for a large Dros and Polyp Dros which can take you by surprise. When they are down, there’s a transparent bridge you can cross to reach Enki.

Enter Enki’s cart and speak to him to return the blueprints. You learn more about the Alchemist and his plans. Leave the cart and you will be right outside the Alchemy Gate to the next floor.

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Go down the small tunnel and fight the enemies that appear. Head to the end and climb the ladder to another tunnel. Reach the end of the tunnel and switch to Dros, jumping your way on top of a large pipe.

You will see a blue line on the ground; follow it to the end while avoiding the large projectiles. You will reach a Dros Port that turns certain tunnels around. Continue adjusting the paths and helping the Captain proceed through the tunnels. Watch out for fireflies over a narrow wooden plank; walk forward slightly until a beast comes out. Quickly run past when it retreats into the pipe.

You will reach a wooden path that leads to a vending machine. There’s a pipe nearby that the Captain can walk over, but watch out for the enemies and large projectiles. Make it to the end and defeat the large Polyps Dros at the end. Walk through the Alchemy Gate when you’re ready.

Clogged Pipes

Move forward and speak to Supervisor Sophie to learn that you must unclog pipes. Follow the path and have the Captain stand on the large red button. Switch to Dros and go down the tunnel, jumping over the large metal ball when it arrives. Duck out the left side, but watch out for the patrolling enemy. Hide behind the boxes to avoid getting spotted.

Head through the other pipe and go down to reach a Dros Port you can turn. Move the Dros Port over the grate in the circular area to drop a ball down. The ball should break the grate, showing you the process. Move the Dros Port to the right until a ball drops and rolls down the tunnel. This should break the grate near you, with one more to go.

A bridge appears after the second grate is opened, allowing the Captain to walk over. Have the Captain go through the first tunnel and take the first path to the right, fighting the Polyp Dros blocking the way. Follow the path to a button and a lever. The lever opens a path back to the start, while the button drops a ball to break the nearby grate.

Head east of the grate to find Enki who gives you Prima RUSH. Rush speeds up your movement and lets you go past the metal balls. Use it to get to the other side of the metal balls you just dropped down. There is a Dros Port nearby that the Captain can break open. Switch the Dros and turn the Dros Port to move the ramp another way.

Wait for a metal ball to roll down and break the nearby grate. Once the metal ball rolls down, move the ramp back to its original position once the ball is at the top of the ramp. This should let it roll down and break the final grate. Move the ramp close to your position before you leave.

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Return to Supervisor Sophie to get a Moderat piece. Head back to the movable ramp and Rush to the end, using the Alchemy Gate to go to the next level.

Dros Town

Head forward and talk to Enki for a scene. Move forward and a Zapper will stop you. Switch to Dros and follow the blue wiring to the fuse box that controls the Zapper. Destroy it and proceed forward, though Enki tells you there are more Zappers.

Move forward now that the Zapper is gone and you will speak to Marvin who wants a new shell. Make your way northeast to find the Shell Boutique. If you can’t see it, use Gaze to find its location.

Go inside and talk to the Monk at the counter. You must find Copper Ingots and Shell Wax to build the new shell. Copper Ingots are found in the Village while Shell Wax is in Old Town. The Village is on the east side while Old Town is on the west side. There is no strict order, but the east side is closer.


Head south of the Shell Boutique and go down the stairs to reach Old Town. Destroy the nearby fuse box and fight the enemies ahead. Head to the central wooden path to find a crane. Switch to Dros and make your way towards the Dros Port on the crane.

Lower the crane to make a safe path down for the Captain. Switch to the Captain and walk along the bottom path, climbing up the ladder at the end. Find the house at the end of the wooden path to go through or use Gaze to find the indicated house.

Inside, switch to Dros and go through the pipes. You will find the Copper Ingots at the end of the path. Return to the Captain and leave to find the Shell Wax. Leave the house and go around its side to find a plank you can slash. This lowers the plank and creates a quick shortcut.

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Old Town

Head back to Marvin and go left, climbing down a ladder to find a door in a sewer pipe. Follow the tunnel to the other side, where you can see a fuse box. Break it and you can now head west of the Shell Boutique without getting zapped. Head west of the Shell Boutique, then northwest to find the entrance to Old Town. There’s a Monk outside indicating the proper entrance.

Head right and go down the ladder, watching out for the fireflies indicating a beast can grab you. Go around the fireflies and to the end to find a hatch. Go inside and have Dros explore the pipes to find Shell Wax.

Return to the Shell Boutique to get the Designer Shell, then give it to Marvin. The central device ahead of Marvin will activate; head to it to be flown to the Alchemy Gate.

The Oubliette

Head behind the Alchemy Gate when you start and look for a switch below the rock piles. This activates a platform that will take you to the other side. After a quick scene, you will be in a jail cell.

Look through the small window on the right to meet Qozimo, who unlocks a pipe Dros Port on his end. Slash the Dros Port on your pipe and have Dros go through. Head through the pipe near Qozimo and make your way out, going towards the left side to find the switch. Make sure you use the nearby stairs to get around the enemy guarding the switch.

Return to the Captain and defeat the enemies as you make your way to the southeast door. Outside, switch to Dros and follow the blue wires to a button. Switch back to the Captain who can now go through the gate. Follow the path until the path splits. Take the stairs going down and break the fuse box for later. Go on the other path and watch your step along the wooden walkway. There are beasts in the pipes and you must watch out for the fireflies.

At the end of the path is a ladder going up. Climb up and turn left, fighting the enemies in the tower. Press the button, then switch to Dros and go through the pipe. Have Dros press the button, then recall back to the Captain to press his button again. This should open the Oubliette doors.

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Revisit the jail through the Captain’s cell and go to Cell X in the northeast to meet with Qozimo. Drop down the hole and go to the end to find the Alchemy Gate.

Perilous Pipes

Move forward along the green pipe and watch out for the enemies at the end. There’s a Polyp Dros that fires multiple spikes around itself. Defeat it and you will see a pink cannon (Pipe Shooter) in the center. Have Dros go through it to test it out. Return to the Captain and head east through the door.

Defeat the enemies you encounter and you will meet Spike, a giant Polyp Dros. It serves as a mini-boss fight, shooting two waves of large spikes at you. You can’t block these and should defeat the other enemies first. Dodge the spikes and slash Spike until the battle ends.

Check the left side of the battlefield to uncover a button that unlocks a door. Switch to Dros and jump up the wooden platforms, going right to lower a ladder that the Captain can use. Climb to the top and go through the door.

You will reach an area with a Pipe Shooter. Slash the Dros Port to its left to change the Pipe Shooter’s alignment. Align it with the arrows and exclamation marks that indicate switches, then fire. It may take a few tries, and don’t forget you can jump while in mid-air.

The first two switches are easy to see. The final switch requires the Captain to stand on a red button east of the Pipe Shooter. Aim at the platform that rises and have Dros press the button. This should trigger all three bridges and let you reach the Alchemy Gate.

Catchment Drognaught

You must break four fuses around the Drognaught, then go to its central chamber to bring it down. Head north of Enki and have Dros jump up to the Pipe Shooter. Use it to go up and reach a crane. Swing the crane over and have the Captain stand on the pipe being held by the crane. Have Dros go back to the crane and swing the Captain to the other side.

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Head up to the top where you will fight a series of enemies. After the battle, check the right side to find a button you can press. This opens a gate that you can go through. Head down and you will reach a large gear. Time your movements and defeat the Polyp Dros before breaking the first fuse box.

This creates another path that you can follow (go up the white block). This leads to a door that has the second fuse. Switch to Dros and jump across the metal platforms to reach a switch. Press it, then return to the Captain and go left. Time your movements over the gear to reach the second fuse box.

This lowers a gate on your right which leads to the third fuse box. Follow the path and break it at the end. This lowers another gate on your right. Head towards the inactive gear and look northeast for a button. Switch to Dros and jump towards the button, activating the gear. Go back to the Captain and proceed forward to go back outside.

Head right and you will see the last fuse box. Make your way to the top hatch, which is now open and nothing can stop you. Lower the ladder on your right, but ignore it for now and head to the centre. Fight off the enemies and press the switch, then go down the ladder you ignored. Make your way around the interior until you reach a door leading to the centre.

In the next room, have Dros jump across the gap and jump up to the right, hitting a switch at the end. Switch back to the Captain and fight the enemies, activating the lever at the end.

Go back to the switch you pushed to open the door and use the Dros Port at the end. Raise it to reveal the box and have the Captain break it open to get the Alembic Flask. Head to Enki’s cart (which is nearby) to complete the stage.

Give Enki the Alembic Flask and leave. Keep going until you see Qozimo and a green seal behind him. Attack the seal to unlock an Alchemy Gate to your next destination.

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Part 2

The Kiln

Move forward and the Monk will tell you about Copter Dros enemies, which fly around. Head past the Monk and break down the wooden barrier to reveal a red button. Have Dros jump over the platforms that emerge from the lava, then press a button on the right. This activates a machine that moves towards the Captain. Return to the Captain and have him stand on the machine, which brings him forward.

Fight off the Copter Dros enemies that appear and then head northwest. Spin the Dros Port until the door at the southwest opens. Go through the door and approach the Zapper area. Have Dros jump around using the nearby blocks outside the Zapper to go around. Press the button at the end and cross the Zapper area with the Captain. Keep going straight to reach the Alchemy Gate.


Move forward and slash the Dros Port on the pipe, then send Dros through to the other side. Press the button on the nearby mechanical platform which sends it back for the Captain. Cross to the other side and fight the Polyp Dros, going to the second pipe on the other side.

Break it open and use the nearby Dros Port to align the pipe to reach the other side. Aim to be on the top portion. Dros will speak with Cronenberg after proceeding forward. Use the Dros Port on the left of Cronenberg to align the next pipe towards the left side.

Have Dros go through the pipe and make their way forward, pressing a button near a ladder to lower it. Return to the Captain and climb up the ladder. Follow the path and fight off the three enemies that await you. Send Dros to the other side and avoid the patrolling enemies, using gaps in the walls to hide. Make it to the other side and press a button to lower the ladder.

Go back to the area where you first started with the Captain. Climb the ladder and fight the enemies along the path. Head back towards the area where Dros first arrived and look for a ladder going down. It leads to a wooden wall that you can break with the Captain. Press a button on the other side to raise a platform that you can walk across.

Head down the platform and fight the two enemies, then make your way to the top of the stairs. Break the seal on the pipe and turn the Dros Port to aim the pipe towards the Alchemy Gate. Use the pipe to fly over, then use the pipe near the Alchemy Gate to fly towards a lever. Use the lever to reveal a path which you can use to walk straight to the Alchemy Gate. Fight off the enemies that stop you along the way and you shouldn’t have a problem.

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The Hideout

Keep moving forward for a scene. Defeat the two enemies and you will reach a locked front door. Have Dros jump down along some blocks leading to a machine. Hit a nearby button to create a path for the Captain to cross. Bring the Captain to the machine and slash the seal on the Dros Port. Have Dros go through and press the button on the other side of the door to get in.

Go through the door and watch a scene. Once you are in cage, switch to Dros and jump out the gaps in the bars in the back of the cage. Drop down on the steel tiles below and make your way to the other side. Head east and jump across the platforms to reach a Dros Port that controls the crane holding the cell.

Move the cage over to the building and lower it to free the Captain. Switch to the Captain and approach the three Dros on the upper platform. Drop down and defeat the enemies that appear and go through the newly unlocked door in the scene.

Speak with the three Dros and go up the steel ramp. Enter the house and send Dros through the pipes. Activate a lever at the end that opens a gate you can go through, leading to the Alchemy Gate.

Spinning Conveyors

Head forward and look to your right to find some boxes and a wall you can break. Slash them with your sword, then board the platform. Switch to Dros and leave the platform, going straight to find a Dros Port. Turn it to bring the Captain up to the next panel and have him walk over. Have Dros turn the Dros Port to bring the Captain up.

At the top, speak to Enki to get Prima JOLT which enhances the Captain’s block. There’s a Polyp Dros to Enki’s left that you can use to test JOLT. Deflect its spikes using JOLT to defeat it and destroy the nearby fuse box. Cross the conveyor belts and follow the path, deflecting more projectiles along the way.

There will be presses on another conveyor belt; time your movements or use Prima RUSH to get through. The next set of conveyor belts requires Prima JOLT to deflect the projectiles back at enemies and destroy the nearby fuse boxes. The second time you do this, you must use Dros to jump on some moving lava containers.

Make it to the other side and head to the right, watching out for the patrolling enemy. Get past the enemy and head to the end for a lever that activates more moving containers. This lets the Captain reach the other side.

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There’s a large wooden door and a breakable wall to its left. Slash the wall and have Dros jump through the gap. There’s a transparent bridge on your right at the end of the platform. Use that and then dodge the enemies as you hide behind the boxes. At the final enemy patrol, head right and activate the lever.

Return to the Captain and fight your way to the first patrol area with two Polyp Dros enemies. Switch to Dros and send them through the pipe. Drop them through the hole to end up in another area. Use the Dros Port to turn the conveyor belts to allow the Captain to walk over.

Return to the Captain and go to the final patrol area. Look for a metal ramp leading upwards that the Captain can use to reach the walkway. Cross the conveyor belt, then move them back to their original position. Cross the second conveyor belt and fight the enemies to reach the Alchemy Gate.


Switch to Dros and use the containers on the left to get up to the next level. Head to the end and turn the Dros Port to lower the gate and let the Captain through. Switch to the Captain and move forward, fighting off the enemy. Grab the yellow block and pull it to the right, opening the path forward.

Head through and fight off the enemies. When you are done, slash the nearby Dros Port. Turn the Dros Port which closes the lava flow of the first lane closest to you. Move the Captain past that lane, then turn the Dros Port to close off the second lane.

Head forward and fight off the enemy, then push the yellow block forward. Once you are past the yellow block, turn around and push it back to its previous position. Follow the path and you will reach a locked gate. Have Dros go back to the Dros Port and turn it until the gate lowers.

Cross the path and go over the yellow block to reach a second block. Push that block all the way to the end to uncover a Dros Port you can turn. Turn it until the door opens, then go through. Have the Captain slash the fuse box to the left of the door.

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Step on the Zapper area and wait for a closed container to pass by. Step on a safe container and take it to the next Alchemy Gate.

Magma Falls

Move forward and wait for the platform to appear under the lava. Quickly walk over it, then wait until you can get off on the right platform. Step off and fight the enemies, then go through the door at the end.

Head to the other side and go down the stairs. Wait for a fast-moving platform to appear on the lava and jump on it. Disembark on the left and keep going to the end, where there’s another fast-moving platform. Ride it and get off on the left side, fighting the enemies at the end. Head forward until you see a pipe blocked by a wooden barrier. Break it and send Dros through the pipe.

There will be two Dros Ports when Dros emerges. Take the left Dros Port to move a metal sheet near the Captain. Have the Captain stand on it, then have Dros bring him up. Have the Captain move to the metal sheet on the right, then have Dros lower him down to continue.

Wait for a platform to emerge from the lava and take it to the end. Get off on the right and take a ladder down to a walkway on the outside. Follow the walkway to the end and climb up the ladder to the next floor. Slash the Dros Port and use it to raise a metal box. Send Dros through the pipe to the left of the Dros Port. Use the Dros Port on the other side to raise the second box, then return to the Captain.

Drop down to the lower level and step on the metal platform that can now pass through an empty route. Follow it to the end and take the Alchemy Gate.


Move onto the conveyor belts, dodging the pipes. At the end, turn right and speak to Enki to get Prima BLITZ. This gives the Captain a powerful spinning attack. Test it on some enemies as you move forward. At the end of the path is a nearby fuse box you can break. Head through the harmless Zapper area and onto the conveyor belt.

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Watch out for the various presses and enemies as you move forward. Enter the metal box and have Dros turn the Dros Port on the right just before the box. Lift the box up and turn it to reach the upper level, then return to the Captain.

Head forward to the conveyor belt and have Dros ride it to the lever in the northwest. Pull the lever to create a path for the Captain. Follow the path to the end and press a nearby button to lower the ladder. Head to the right and press the second button to see a platform go up and down.

Return to the conveyor belt near the Zapper and head to the rising platform. Switch to Dros and jump over the lava flow, looking for a pipe to take you up. Turn the Dros Port at the top to shut off the lava, then switch to the Captain. Defeat the patrolling enemy and stand on the elevator.

Return to the Dros Port and turn it until the elevator goes up. Return to the Captain and bust down the wall at the top. Go into the room and press the button to raise the conveyor belts. Drop down and ride the belts again. When you get to the end, you can see the Alchemy Gate.


Speak to the supervisor Chet before you begin. Make your way forward, fighting the enemies until you see a yellow block you can push onto a red square. This lowers another yellow block which you should move to the red square near the Blood Rock crate. This lowers the final yellow block for the final red square.

Step onto the Blood Rock crate platform and take it to the next level. Talk to Brad at the top and go into the next room. There’s one yellow block for the square, but you must move the other blocks out of the way. Push them towards the edges to get enough space for the yellow block.

When the yellow block is on the red square, a gate will open along some conveyor belts. Head to the end and you will see a Zapper area. Head above the area and cut through the boxes to reach the other side. Follow the path and speak to Scott at the end to do another yellow block puzzle.

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It’s the same puzzle with one yellow block. Cut open the red box in the centre to give you some movement. Push the blocks out of the way, then push the red box towards a wall. That should give you enough space for the yellow block to move.

Once the yellow block is in position, return to Scott and pull the Blood Rock crate behind you. Keep pulling until it is on the lift. Take the same lift after the scene to reach the Alchemy Gate.

Furnace Drognaught

Meet up with Enki to learn you must break three fuses. Head forward and have Dros jump on the nearby metal plates to the other side. Press the button to activate a bridge for the Captain. Go up the stairs and fight the enemies, then break the first fuse.

Climb down the ladder left of the first fuse and walk to the next platform. Fight the enemies and go up the conveyor belt. Follow the path and fight the enemies, then walk onto a nearby crane. Have Dros jump to the other side and activate a switch near some pipes. Drop down onto the metal squares and keep going towards the second fuse.

Go down the stairs near the second fuse and break a box near a yellow sign. Have Dros press a switch to create a new path. Go down the ladder and follow the path until you reach a crane. Turn the crane towards the platform you are standing on, then have the Captain get on. Turn the crane back to its original position and have the Captain move forward.

Have Dros drop down and interact with another Dros Port that moves the second crane. Move it up and have the Captain drop through a hole in the top. Move forward and drop down into the next area. Go down the stairs and break the third fuse box.

Go up the stairs to the top and go through the entrance to enter the hatch. Head forward and you will see a lava path blocking the Captain. Jump to your left to find a Dros Port that controls the lava flow and allows you to proceed. Do this a second time as you proceed forward, but there will be a metal platform you can drop down to.

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Have Dros return to the second Dros Port and restore the lava flow to elevate the platform and let the Captain proceed. Do this for the first Dros Port as well. When the Captain can reach the ladder, climb up and fight the waves of enemies. Grab the Hellfire Crucible when you are done.

Enki’s cart will reappear nearby. Just give him the part like before, then break the seal for the next area.

Part 3


Head forward and break the wooden barriers before the murky liquid. Have Dros jump across to the other side, heading left to find the switch. Watch out for the patrolling enemy and time your movements. Drain the liquid and have the Captain go down. There’s a pipe nearby; break it open and send Dros through.

Have Dros press the button on the other side of the gate to open it. Have the Captain press the switch that drained the murky liquid to drain the water on the other side. Move the Captain into the last pocket of water and drop down. Follow the path to the Alchemy Gate.

Snapjaw Grotto

Make your way to the water and have Dros go through it first. Have Dros float to the surface and then head left to find a button that lowers a ladder. The Captain should climb up and fight the enemies. Have Dros go through a small gap which leads to a lever that controls a yellow flap. Move that flap away from the Captain.

Have Dros jump to the other side of the water and press the button which moves a platform to the Captain. Bring the Captain across and have Dros move the yellow flap. Press the button on the uncovered side to move the Captain across after he moves to the next platform.

Drop down from the platform and move to the elevator. Take it up and head to the right, crossing the invisible bridge to the Alchemy Gate.

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Talk to Enki to get Prima BLUE, which allows Dros to breathe for the Captain underwater. This is automatic and won’t take up any Prima, allowing the Captain to freely explore underwater.

Head through the body of water and press the switch in the northeast to elevate some platforms. Have the Captain leave the water and get Dros to float upwards towards the platforms. Jump across to reach another switch which raises the water level on that side. Have Dros approach a patrolling enemy and make their way up to a lever that pumps more water into the other side.

Use the pumps to the left of the Captain to bring him up. Switch to Dros and quickly lower the water level. The Captain can now access a lever which controls a different pump. Have Dros raise the water level again and have the Captain walk across to the enemy. Break down the wall and run past the moving yellow flaps. Be fast as there are mines that damage you if you are too slow.

On the other side, time your movements with the yellow flaps to get to the end. Cross the metal path and switch to Dros, jumping to the other side to reach a Dros Port. Turn the Dros Port to create a path for the Captain, allowing him to reach the other side.

Use an invisible bridge to the left of the Dros Port to get around the central building. Get on the elevator and take it down, then move into the body of water after fighting the enemies. Push the underwater switch, then get the Captain out of the water. Have Dros float up and find an elevator in the northwest that can go down. Return to the Captain and get on that elevator.

At the top, have Dros jump up the wooden platforms and yellow flaps to reach the Alchemy Gate. Run to the other side (watch out for the patrolling enemy) and push another elevator down. Return to the Captain and have him go back the way he came to reach that elevator. Go up, fight the enemy, and go through the Alchemy Gate.


After encountering Lisette, have Dros use the pumps on your left to travel around. Dive into the water and float your way to some plants that help you reach a machine with a bridge. Get to the other side and pull a lever to bring the platform to the Captain.

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Board the platform and ride it to the other side. Head northwest and into the central area to find a scene. Walk up the metal ramps under the water and switch to Dros when the Captain is safe from drowning. Jump onto the green edges of the area and follow it to a switch that drains the water.

Head back to the bottom floor where the Captain can break open a Dros Port. Send Dros up and operate a crane, lowering a platform for the Captain. Align it near the metal ramps that the Captain first used to get up the water. Raise the Captain up to let him drop down to the top level. There’s a giant button near the vending machine; press it to open a gate.

Go through the gate and the door at the end of the path for a scene. Pull the yellow block out of the way, then go underwater and push the cage forward. Move towards the wooden box blocking your way, then switch to Dros. Quickly go to the Dros Port east of the wooden box and use it to move the crane out of the way.

Move the cage towards the red block and wait for the water level to drop. Leave the cage and head up the stairs towards the door for a scene. Wait for the black slime to subside, then head forward to the Alchemy Cage.


Head down the stairs on your left and make your way to the right. There will be bubbles that are too heavy for the Captain but Dros can float on them. Use them to hop across platforms until you reach a stone bridge. There will be enemies patrolling nearby; use the outer section of the area to get past patrolling enemies. Go around the right side, using gears to reach the next area.

Make your way to the bridge opposite where you started and activate a lever, letting the Champion cross. Fight the enemies and break open a hole in the wall. Send Dros into the centre where a bubble will emerge. Take that bubble to the top and head to the towers on the left and right.

Head to the top of the towers and use the Dros Ports to open the two gates. Head through the gates and reach the Alchemy Gate to proceed.

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Water Tower

Head forward and fight the enemies around the central water block. Have Dros enter the water when you see a hole that lets you access the block. Float to the top and go around the stairs, lowering a ladder for the Captain.

Climb up and fight the enemy, then have Dros jump to a bridge with a Dros Port in the middle. Turn it to let the Captain get on the bridge, then turn it again to connect to the tower. Climb down the ladder and head to the right, letting Dros float to the top near the water. Lower another ladder for the Captain to climb.

On the middle level, go around the tower and fight enemies. Make sure you retract the metal platform after you cross it; it will be important later. You should reach a metal door at the end. Go inside the building and follow the path, going around the yellow flaps. Climb up the ladder and reach the top, standing on top of the yellow flaps to reach the second ladder.

Drop down into the arena and fight some enemies. After a few seconds, a large Dros shell will appear as a boss fight. Dodge the attacks while waiting for the shell to punch the ground. That’s your chance to attack the arm and break it. Watch out for other enemies that appear; you must deal with them as well.

After destroying the first arm, the shell will now extend its remaining arm at you. Dodge or block its attack as best as you can while cutting off the arm. Once both arms are down, slash the body until the battle ends.

Leave the room towards the newly opened gate, making your way around the tower. When you see the metal platform, press the button to retract it. Have the Captain jump down and stand on the metal lift at the bottom. Have Dros float upwards to the top, then press the button to bring the Captain up. Move the Captain around the switch to reach the Alchemy Gate.


Go forward and fight the enemies, and have Dros jump over the gap. Jump to the right side to activate a switch that fills the central part of the tower wall with water. Have Dros float to the top and turn the Dros Port to let the Captain stand next to the tower. Go up to the tower again and turn it to let the Captain access the right side.

Fight the enemies and have the Captain step on the metal platform. Have Dros enter the water next to it and float up to reach a switch. Go back to the Captain and quickly take the stairs to the left. Head to the platform at the top and press the nearby button to reach the top of the central building.

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Turn the Dros Port until the metal path at the top is facing the building with the Alchemy Gate. Break the nearby pipe open to let Dros fly over.

Press the switch on the platform to send it to the Captain. Have the Captain stand on it, then head to the Alchemy Gate once he’s on the other side.


Follow the path and have the Captain stand on the metal platform. Have Dros use the nearby water block to float to the top and press the nearby switch. When the Captain reaches the top, move forward and wait for a platform moving forward through the water.

Use the platforms you pass to move around any obstacles that block your way. On the other side, fight enemies and make your way to the water blocks. Have Dros use the right block to float upward to the next level. Move around the patrolling enemy (jumping over them helps) and press the button at the end to lower a ladder.

Have the Captain climb up and deal with the enemy, then press a large button near the water block Dros came up. Have Dros leave the Captain and go towards the ladder. There is a small button you can press which brings the metal platform down. Quickly switch back to the Captain and have him get on.

Follow the path to the next row of platforms (1-4 from left to right). Make the Captain stand on the large red button on the ground. Have Dros take the third block and move towards the second.

At the top, have Dros press the switch and make the Captain run to the fourth block. He should stand on the platform as it rises, letting him access the Alchemy Gate. Just before the gate, you will fight more enemies including one large Dros shell. Once you win, you can get to the Alchemy Gate for the next level.

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Filtration Drognaught

Talk to Enki to learn about your objective. Head west of Enki and cross the wooden bridge to turn a Dros Port. Head northeast of Enki and cross the bridge to see bubbles coming out of a vent. Dros should float on a bubble to reach the Drognaught, then take a pipe on the left.

Follow the path, going up the stairs and walking along a chain near the top hatch to reach a lever. Pull it to lower the Drognaught and create a path for the Captain.

Follow the path around the Drognaught to reach a metal walkway going up and down. Take it up and use a nearby ladder to reach the first fuse box. Break it and return to the bottom level. Follow the path to a door and go inside. Use the yellow flaps to push you through the water to exit out the other side.

Continue moving to reach two moving metal walkways. Make your way to the top to destroy the second fuse box. This creates a path nearby, allowing you to cross and reach the top hatch.

Make your way to the top hatch and destroy the nearby fuse box, allowing you to go inside. Fight off the enemies that appear before you go in.

Inside the interior, head left and use a Dros Port to turn a platform for the Captain to stand on. Have Dros turn the Dros Port to put the Captain on the other side. Walk along the path and use the ladder to get to higher ground. Have Dros return to the Dros Port and position a ledge for the Captain to walk on. Return to the Dros Port and put the Captain near another high ledge with a large red button (southwest).

Push the button to drain the water. Have Dros turn the Dros Port to let the Captain drop down onto a striped platform. Move the platform towards the centre and speak to the nearby Dros engineer. Grab the Alluvial Filter and go to Enki’s cart which has appeared nearby.

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Give the part to Enki and break the seal for the next area to proceed.

Part 4


Follow the path forward and have Dros jump towards the northwest, going into a dark puddle. This should put Dros near a Dros Port that they can turn to let the Captain cross to the next area. There’s a lever on the right that the Captain can pull to fix one part of the bridge at the Alchemy Gate.

There’s a Dros Port at the end of your current area, and you must turn both Dros Ports until the Captain can reach the other side. Have Dros hop over the gear to reach the first Dros Port and turn it until it’s a flat line that lets the Captain pass through. Reach the second Dros Port and turn it to let the Captain fight the enemies on his current side.

Once the enemies are gone, head up the stairs behind the vending machine to pull a lever and fix the second part of the bridge. Move the Captain towards the dark puddle and go in. Fight off the enemies, then have Dros go around the building to reach the roof and lower a ladder. Have the Captain climb the ladder and pull the lever, fixing the path to the Alchemy Gate.

Move the Dros Ports until the Captain can return to the starting side and reach the Alchemy Gate.


Head forward to the bridge and have Dros use a nearby Dros Port to turn it for the Captain. Cross over and fight the enemies, then move back and turn the bridge to its original position. There is a rising platform nearby which indicates a path Dros can take to get around. Stay high to avoid enemies and reach a Dros Port that lets you turn another bridge. Move the Captain over, then turn the bridge back to let the Captain clear the enemies.

Head through the nearby door where you have several buttons to press. Each controls a certain number of bridges, which you must twist to let the Captain reach the other side. The bottom button controls the bridges closest to you and the one closest to the exit. The top button controls all three. Use Dros and the Captain to find the correct combination to get you across.

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On the other side, fight the enemies and break the switch near the gate to lower it. Send Dros to the Dros Port and turn the bridge to have two bridges facing the Alchemy Gate. Head around up the stairs and cross the gears to find a third Dros Port that controls the third bridge. Align the bridges to create a path and head straight towards the Alchemy Gate.


Head forward and use the nearby button to rotate the central tower until you can cross it. Cross the bridge and rotate the tower until you reach the other side. Proceed towards the gate and have Dros go around it using the nearby gear.

Head up the stairs and interact with the Dros Port, watching out for patrols. Turn the Dros Port and open the gate, letting the Captain fight the enemies. Head up to the switch and use it until you can reach the central tower’s middle floor.

Turn the tower until you can reach a small area with a large red button. Lower a ladder on this floor as well. Defeat the enemies and step on the button which extends a bridge leading to a Pipe Shooter. Have Dros use the Pipe Shooter to reach the next level, lowering a ladder for the Captain.

Have the Captain climb up to reach the second-highest floor. Turn the tower until you reach the only accessible area and go down. Work around the enemies to reach the vending machine at the back. Have Dros make their way up to the top, then pull a lever to lower the platform. Have the Captain board the platform to get up.

Step on the spinning gears and switch to Dros. Have Dros spin the tower until the Captain can get off at the top floor. Spin the tower until you reach the Alchemy Gate and go through.


Head forward and use Dros to align the yellow portal with the left side of the building. Drop down the portal near you and fight the enemies. Break the Dros Port open and put the next yellow portal in the middle.

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Jump through to reach a red square. You must switch to Dros and move around the inside shape to “fill in” the lines. Once it’s fully complete, the gate opens and you can move the portal to the gate to go through.

Complete the second red square to open another area. Align the portals to the new area (near the first red square) and jump through. Enter the door and fight off the enemies inside. Your goal is to turn the portal above you with a nearby Dros Port. The Captain will use the nearby dark puddle to land wherever the portal points to.

Point to the right side to pull a lever that allows you to reach the north area. Paint the third red square when you leave the room. This stops all the gears and lets you reach the Alchemy Gate after realigning the portals.

Alleyway of Misfits

Have Dros jump around and press a button while the Captain goes through the gates. Move around until you see the pink wheel spinning. Get inside one of the wheel’s gaps and wait for it to take you up to another level. At the top, use the Dros Port to move the wheel towards the area where metal balls are falling through. The wheel will catch a ball and bring it to the top.

Go behind the wheel to find a platform. When the metal ball rolls down from the wheel, the platform rises. You must now press the two large buttons (green and red) to move a metal ball from one side to the other.

This opens an area below, but you need a password for Sven. Go around the left side of the wheel and speak to the Dros at the end to get the password. Head inside and follow the path, ignoring the Dros Port and going out the door. You will be back outside but near a lift for the metal balls. Ride the lift then walk on the track to reach the Alchemy Gate.


Head straight, dodging enemies and watching out for the gears. When you reach the end, head to the right across more gears and continue following the path. When you reach a dead end with some gears, have Dros jump up and ride the gears to the top to find a Dros Port. Turn it to create a path for the Captain to cross.

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After the Captain has made it over, return to the Dros Port and turn it back (use the fans below for an easy shortcut). Cross the new path and head straight to the Alchemy Gate.


Head forward to speak with Sigrid. Go straight and enter the building south of the Monk (the Town Hall) to get the Sewer Combination. Head to the sewers in the southeast and speak to Larfi inside. You must help the Fungi Farm get some water.

A nearby bridge is lowered to get you to the other side. Have Dros climb up the building and hit a button next to the bottom gear. This activates a platform that the Captain can use to get up. Keep going up until you see a door. Go inside and have Dros activate the lever at the top while the Captain moves on the tiles. Bring the Captain up and leave the room.

Climb to the top and have the Captain attack the wood by the wheel. This restores water to the Fungi Farm. Return to Larfi and you get Compost which goes to the Greenhouse. The Greenhouse is southwest of the Monk; speak to Lily inside to drop off the Compost and get Seedlings. Give the Seedlings to Larfi, then head to Enki all the way behind Larfi. Leave and fight off the enemies that appear, then head right to find Qozimo. Enter the house east of Qozimo and leave through the back door to reach the new path that leads to the Alchemy Gate.


Go forward and have Dros jump up to the pipe on top of the greenhouse. There’s a lever south of Dros’ landing spot that moves a platform down. Switch to the Captain and quickly board it. When you rise, fight the enemies. Follow the path to the end, fighting the enemies and having Dros use the nearby pipe.

Have Dros bring down another platform for the Captain. Go around the plants in front of you and destroy a fuse box. Go to the edge of the platform and have Dros hop towards a smaller platform with a Zapper area. Use the Dros Port to create a path for the Captain. Once they are on the other side, turn them back to get to the Alchemy Gate.

Distillery Drognaught

Speak to Enki and move forward. Leave the Captain just before the platform and have Dros use the Dros Port. Twist the area to get Captain onto a platform and defeat the enemies. There’s also a Dros Port on the central left side to help push the paths towards the centre. Push the button at the end to wake the Drognaught.

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Use the nearby Dros Ports to create a path for the Captain to get around the Drognaught and destroy the fuses. Put the Captain on the side behind the bar, then have Dros use the Dros Port to move the Captain above the hatch. Since they are behind the bar, the Captain won’t fall.

Head inside the hatch and press the button behind the large cylinder in the centre. Have Dros move around the area, filling in the red squares. When all three outer squares are done, return to the centre and fill in the shape. Fight off the enemies and a large Dros shell appears. Defeat it to get the Rousing Retorts, then return to Enki’s cart which is nearby.

Hand him the part and break the final seal. Cross over the transparent bridges before and after the seal to reach the final area.

Final Area

After the scene, head forward and grab the Alchemist’s Flute. Interact with the hatch to leave. Continue to follow the path, even going through houses to proceed. Head inside the Prima Core and then follow the stairs as they build a path.

You have completed Dros! You can now go back and finish any additional objectives.

Well done! You’ve reached the end of Dros. Please let us know in the comments what you think about the game and if this guide proved useful.

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Written By Victor Tan

Victor is a big fan of RPGs and enjoys helping people through areas that they struggle in. He also spends far more time on them than is probably healthy for a single individual. If he's not playing some RPG, you can often find him playing D&D or training MMA at the gym



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